
The City of Madrid Madrid is the capital of the Community of Madrid and Spain. It is the largest city in the country with 3.2 million inhabitants, although if we include the population of the Madrid metropolitan area, it reaches 6.3 million. Madrid is the 5th most important leading centre of commerce in Europe.  


The City of Brunswick Brunswick (Braunschweig) is the second largest city in Lower Saxony, Germany, with 250,000 inhabitants. The region of Brunswick is one of the leading European regions with regards to spending on research and development. The city prides itself to be a hub of versatile industry expertise, including technology and innovation, energy and


The City of Nice With 344,000 inhabitants, Nice is the 5th biggest city in France. Nice is situated in the French Riviera and is one of the top tourist destinations in Europe, attracting around 5 million visitors per year. The Metropole Nice Côte d’Azur, an intercommunal structure made up of 49 cities around Nice, has

Waste Heat?

At first sight, the concept of waste heat appears easy to grasp, but is everything as easy as it seems? Have you also heard of “excess heat”, “surplus heat”, “recoverable heat”, “waste-to-energy”, “recovered heat”? Are these terms equivalent or do they cause a degree of confusion? Below you will find a non-exhaustive dictionary. In the ReUseHeat

District Heating & Cooling

District heating and cooling is a proven solution for delivering heating, hot water and cooling services through a network of insulated pipes, from a central point of generation to the end user. District heating and cooling networks are also referred to as heat networks or district energy networks. They are suited to feed in locally

Facts & Figures

District energy & waste heat If the urbanisation trend continues and appropriate investments are in place, almost half of Europe’s heat demand could be met by district energy by 2050. There is on average 3 times more renewable and excess heat available than is required to meet high levels of district energy supply A transition to

Data Centres

In 2010, data centres world-wide used about 350 TWh of electricity. It is just over 1% of the world’s total electricity use and it is constantly growing. Most of the power consumed by the Information Technology (IT) equipment is converted into waste heat, which must be removed to avoid damage to the equipment. The energy

Underground Transport Systems

On a hot summer day, a ride on the metro can be an unpleasant experience with stiflingly hot metro systems and trains. What is the reason for that and why don’t we reuse this heat? Metro trains generate excess heat when operating. The electric motors create heat due to their electrical and mechanical functioning at

Waste Water Management

Waste water management systems exist in every city and could be exploited to heat buildings. Waste water systems promise major heat recovery potential. The temperature of waste water ranges from 10 to 15°C on average, and can go even up to 20°C during summertime. This guarantees an adequate heat source for the operation of heat

Tertiary Buildings

Tertiary buildings in urban areas such as offices, schools, supermarkets, logistics centres or hospitals are a significant source of heat which could be recovered. All of them require some kind of cooling or air conditioning, e.g. the fridges and storage rooms of supermarkets, surgery rooms in hospitals or fridges and walk-in coolers in restaurants. During

Other Sources

There is a huge untapped potential of waste heat across the world, reflected in very low utilisation levels.

First ReUseHeat workshop in Bucharest

The first technical workshop of the ReUseHeat Project took place in Bucharest on 15 March 2018! The workshop has been attended by 25 people among ReUseHeat partners and local stakeholders involved in the implementation of the demonstrator dedicated to Waste Heat Recovery from the Bucharest underground network. The workshop succeeded in facilitating the cooperation among

Read the first ReUseHeat Newsletter

Our regular newsletter will bring you project news, results and updates on the four unconventional waste heat sources and the respective demo sites covered by the project. Stay tuned!

ReUseHeat at Nordic Clean Energy Week

This year Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the European Commission and the Nordic Council of Ministers hosted the Ninth Clean Energy Ministerial and Third Mission Innovation Ministerial (CEM9/MI-3). Major economies from around the globe met in the cities of Copenhagen and Malmö May 23 – 24, 2018 to accelerate the green transition.

ReUseHeat presented during GENERA 2018

The International Fair of Energy and Environment took place in Madrid between 13-15 June. Throughout these three days, there were 21 sessions belonging to the GENERA 2018 Technical Conferences. These conferences aimed to analyse the transition to a sustainable energy model. On 14 June, the conference “Energy efficiency in urban environments as a tool to

ReUseHeat workshop in Nice

The fourth technical workshop of the ReUseHeat Project took place in Nice on 26 June 2018! The workshop, dedicated to waste heat recovery from sewage networks, was attended by 10 people from both ReUseHeat Consortium and external participants. The workshop succeeded in transferring to the external participants information about the ReUseHeat project. In addition, insights

ReUseHeat at the event “BY & FOR CITIZENS”

The BY&FORCITIZENS conference on “Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions” was successfully held on 20-21 September in Valladolid (Spain). This 2-day event gathered relevant local, national and EU stakeholders and created a forum to gain comprehensive insights into the opportunities and challenges of Smart Cities and Communities initiatives across Europe. Keynote lectures, presentations, round tables

ReUseHeat in the spotlight at the 2018 Global District Energy Days

One of the sessions of the 2018 Global District Energy Days in Helsinki was looking in detail at waste heat potential and success stories. The project coordinator Kristina Lygnerud presented the Smart City vision for waste heat recovery - from urban heat sources and into low temperature district heating networks. This presentation and other waste

Read the second ReUseHeat Newsletter

It’s time for the second project newsletter! Read it here to get updates on the project progress to date, the four unconventional waste heat sources and the technical workshops that took place at the respective demo sites. Don’t forget to participate in the survey and help us collect valuable information on urban excess heat sources

Project meeting in Braunschweig

The ReUseHeat project celebrated its first anniversary during its meeting in Braunschweig (Germany), the picturesque location of one of the project’s four demonstration sites. An overall update of activities was made. If you are interested to learn more about the feasibility of waste heat recovery, you can read one of the latest project reports covering

Scientific publications

Here you will find the latest peer-reviewed articles published in the context of the ReUseHeat project. Edward Wheatcroft, Henry P. Wynn, Victoria Volodina, Chris J. Dent and Kristina Lygnerud. Model-Based Contract Design for Low Energy Waste Heat Contracts: The Route to Pricing. Energies, June 2021. [Link] Akram Sandvall, Martin Hagberg, Kristina Lygnerud. Modelling of urban excess heat use in

ReUseHeat session on Urban Waste Heat Recovery at the 4DH conference

On 14 November 2018, the project ReUseHeat had its own session at the 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating in Aalborg, Denmark. Organised by the 4DH Strategic Research Centre, the RE-INVEST project and Aalborg University, the conference aims to showcase scientific findings and industrial experiences related to the subject

Roadmaps are ready: now what?? Exploring the realities of the heat transition

On 13 February 2019, ReUseHeat held its first workshop in Brussels, combined with the Heat Roadmap Europe 4 final workshop. The event “Roadmaps are ready: now what?? Exploring the realities of the heat transition” gathered nearly 100 stakeholders from the EU Commission, NGOs, industry, city partners and research institutions. To read the event summary, please

ReUseHeat meeting and exploitation plan workshop in London

The project consortium met in London, United Kingdom, on 6-7 March 2019 to discuss work progression, synchronize the upcoming deliverables and tasks, as well as to work on the ReUseHeat exploitation plan under the guidance of a SSERR (Support Services for Exploitation of Research Results) expert Andrea di Anselmo. At the exploitation workshop, two key

Read the third ReUseHeat Newsletter

It’s the time of the third ReUseHeat Newsletter! Read about the first ReUseHeat workshop in Brussels with Heat Roadmap Europe 4; ReUseHeat meeting and exploitation plan workshop in London; the opportunity to win free pre-feasibility studies on excess heat recovery for district heating; and discover new ReUseHeat reports! Click here to view the online version.

ReUseHeat offers free pre-feasibility studies*!

From 15 April to 15 July 2019, ReUseHeat re-launches its survey on urban excess heat sources. Entering information in the questionnaire, the participants will be screened and *if seen as appropriate,* they will be rewarded with a pre-feasibility study! We invite urban excess heat owners (with particular focus on data centres, sewage water collectors, tertiary

ReUseHeat quantified EU28 urban waste heat potential

The ReUseHeat report Accessible Urban Waste Heat shows a significant heat recovery potential from unconventional excess heat sources. Approximately 1.2 EJ (or 340 TWh) per year are possible to recover from data centres, metro stations, service sector buildings, and waste water treatment plants. This corresponds to more than 10 percent of the EU’s total energy

ReUseHeat featured in Hot Cool 2 2019 magazine

Urban waste heat recovery is a key to smart cities but to get there, many challenges need to be managed. The industry needs to go beyond its tradition of technical orientation and grasp the window of opportunity of the low temperature heat recovery. The opportunity allows the companies stepping over the threshold of technology to

Join us at the ReUseHeat policy workshop on 2 October 2019!

The heat being wasted across Europe could cover 100% of our buildings’ needs. District heating and cooling networks can utilise excess heat available from various sources, including excess heat from urban facilities (i.e. data centres, sewage collectors, cooling systems of tertiary buildings, underground stations). However, due to some regulatory challenges, lack of large-scale replicable demonstrators


The metro network in Berlin Currently, the Berlin metro network consists of 146 km double track, 10 metro lines and 144 stations. The average distance between two stations is 0.8 km. In respect to thermal comfort, waste heat is a concern for the operator, passengers and working staff in underground transport systems. OPES aims to

ReUseHeat stakeholder webinar on business models

Friday, 27 September 2019 10:00-11:00 AM CEST Join our stakeholder webinar to learn more about business models for waste heat recovery projects. You can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

ReUseHeat Newsletter #4 is out

It’s the time of the fourth ReUseHeat Newsletter! There, you will find information on our upcoming stakeholder webinar on business models, ReUseHeat policy workshop on the potential of waste heat recovery investments, our new project partner and new metro demo site, opportunity to replicate ReUseHeat solutions with our expert support, as well as new ReUseHeat

ReUseHeat wins one of the Global District Energy Climate Awards!

The 2019 Global District Energy Climate Awards were revealed on 24 October 2019, during the 1st Sustainable District Energy Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. The finalists were selected from cities and communities across the globe which demonstrate local district energy leadership in providing clean and sustainable energy solutions.   ReUseHeat application ReUseHeat – excess heat recovery from

ReUseHeat stakeholder webinar on data centre

Wednesday, 18 December 2019 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET Next stakeholder webinar in ReUseHeat will address the data centre in Braunschweig, Germany: it is close to commissioning phase and we want to share the experiences to date. Please also note that this demo, the data centre, has recently been awarded with the Global District

Join the ReUseHeat webinar on low temperature policy!

ReUseHeat features four technical demonstration sites but also emphasizes the importance of understanding the urban waste heat investment risk, business model and contract. The project hosted a policy event on low temperature waste heat recovery in Brussels which provided important input to the understanding of necessary urban waste heat boundary conditions. The input has been

ReUseHeat in the Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association Magazine

When it is no longer possible to use fossil fuels, when incineration of biofuels is not desirable and the cost of carbon is properly reflecting the climate crisis, then the urban waste heat source will be of significant value, says Kristina Lygnerud, the ReUseHeat project coordinator, in her newest article for the APUEA Magazine.  

ReUseHeat to support the Celsius Forerunner Groups

You are kindly invited to the upcoming Celsius Talk marking the launch of the Celsius Forerunner Groups on Thursday March 26th at 10:30 CET. Based on the premise that cities and districts are in a position to take the lead in the energy transitions, the Celsius Initiative is now creating forerunner groups where cities and

Read the ReUseHeat Newsletter #5

It’s time for the fifth project newsletter! Read it here to find out about our ongoing activities, new project partner and demo site and latest waste heat news. Don’t forget to participate in the Celsius Talk on Forerunner Groups (more information here)! Click here to subscribe to the future project newsletters.

New open access article on The Role of Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Achieving 2050 Goals

ReUseHeat partners Edward Wheatcroft, Henry Wynn (London School of Economics), Kristina Lygnerud (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute), Giorgio Bonvicini (RINA Consulting S.p.A.) and Daniela Leonte (Tractebel Engineering) have recently published an open access article on The Role of Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Achieving 2050 Goals: A Policy Positioning Paper. This article belongs to

ReUseHeat is part of the Innovation Radar

The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation framework programmes. The goal of this initiative is to allow every citizen, public official, professional and business person to discover the outputs of EU innovation funding.   The Innovation Radar platform builds on the information

ReUseHeat creates a web-based visualisation tool

ReUseHeat aims to promote a cost-effective and technically viable decarbonisation of the current heating and cooling system by demonstrating modular and replicable solutions enabling the recovery and reuse of waste heat available at urban level from different sectors in order to cope with the current and future challenges of climate change.   To foster this

ReUseHeat Newsletter #6 is out!

Find out how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the project implementation. Spoiler alert: ReUseHeat partners will keep working and sharing their results until September 2022! Read about our demo site change in Berlin, a new web-based visualisation tool, the latest policy webinar and “key innovations” of ReUseHeat included in the European Commission’s Innovation Radar! The

New open access article: Unconventional Excess Heat Sources for District Heating in a National Energy System Context

A team of researchers from the Department of Planning, Aalborg University has recently published an article based on the D1.5 of ReUseHeat “Urban excess heat utilisation in future energy systems” (access the original report here). This article belongs to the Section Energy Sources of the open access publication Energies 2020, 13(19), 5068;   Abstract

ReUseHeat at the V Madrid Subterra International Congress

Underground energies in large urban developments Madrid will be facing in the next years the development of large urban developments in which underground waste energies can play a significant role. For the first time in Spain, the A5 highway emblematic burying foresees the use of the clean, CO2 free and renewable energy from the underground

A New Children Book Reveals How Sustainable Data Centers Work

Glesys, a hosting company based in Sweden, has recently published the book Ettor, Nollor, Barr och Kottar (Ones, Zeros, Pines and Cones), about the ever growing IT industry and the increased need of data centers. The book takes a playful and lighthearted approach with aim to educate the public about data centers – how they

Waste heat solutions for Europe’s green recovery

On 19 March 2021, ReUseHeat joined forces with DryFiciency, REWARDHeat and R-ACES in a discussion on the opportunities to realising the potential of waste heat, and how they can be leveraged using the latest technological solutions. The discussion involved projects focusing on both industrial waste heat recovery (R-ACES and DryFiciency) and urban waste heat recovery

Celsius Talk on Stakeholder Engagement

When done properly, stakeholder engagement can be the key to the success of a district energy network. Yet, there are many different stakeholders, and each is to be engaged in a particular way. In the framework of the Euroheat & Power Congress Virtual Thursdays, this April the Celsius Initiative is partnering up with the REWARDHeat and ReUseHeat projects to address the question of

Read the ReUseHeat Newsletter #7

It’s time for the seventh project newsletter! Read it here to find out about our demo site news, contribute to the ReUseHeat survey on urban waste heat potential and download the latest project reports and scientific publications. Don’t forget to participate in the Celsius Talk on Stakeholder Engagement (more information here)! Click here to subscribe

Experiences from waste heat recovery in the metro tunnel of Berlin

In every major European city, we find metro systems for individual transportation. Especially for lines that are deep in the underground, we experience high to very high tunnel air temperatures. In order to meet the goal of reducing the carbon footprint, it is worthwhile to use the high ambient temperature as a heat source for

Recommendation Paper: Boosting waste heat recovery to support decarbonisation

The EU Green Deal proposes a path towards sustainable societies and EU leaders agreed on more ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets for 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050. In recent publications, the European Commission has put a strong emphasis on decarbonisation, greater efficiency and circularity of the heating and cooling sector. The EU Digital Strategy announced

Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating and Cooling

In mid-July, the EU will issue key proposals to address heat decarbonisation – the so-called “Fit for 55” package. It is a critical moment, as this legislative package will determine the direction of heating and cooling policies in the EU for decades to come. Moreover, it will be essential in keeping the bar high on energy and climate

Replication study on waste heat recovery from datacentre

On July 28-29th, Giorgio Bonvicini and Sara Abd Alla from our ReUseHeat consortium partner RINA were in Vilnius (Lithuania) to have meetings and site visits with Vilniaus Šilumos Tinklai (VST), the company managing District Heating in Vilnius and Telecentras, the national TV, radio and communication company. VST and Telecentras are among the beneficiaries of the

ReUseHeat newsletter #8 is out!

In this newsletter, we are delighted to inform you about ReUseHeat replication studies, relevant publications and other initiatives that provide support on the implementation of waste heat recovery solutions.   Read more here and stay in touch!

Replication study on waste heat recovery from a London underground station

The ReUseHeat project is collaborating with Transport for London (TfL), the integrated transport authority responsible for meeting the Mayor’s strategy and commitments on transport in London. TfL runs the day-to-day operation of the Capital’s public transport network and manages London’s main roads. In the context of ReUseHeat Task 6.3, which is providing five free replication

Joint ReUseHeat-Celsius Final Conference

ReUseHeat joined by Celsius Initiative organise their final public events in a joint conference on 7 September 2022 in Brussels. Key findings on the waste heat potential and urban waste heat recovery and along with all the experience from the four demonstration sites will be presented by ReUseHeat. Celsius Initiative will share its main outcomes on

sEEnergies & ReUseHeat Webinar

sEEnergies project organises a series of webinars in March and April 2022. ReUseHeat project is joining on Thursday 21 April 2022, 09:00 - 10:00, the webinar on ‘Energy Efficiency, Spatial Potentials and Possible Future Developments‘ with a focus on future possibilities, where Kristina Lygnerud, the ReUseHeat project coordinator, will talk about recovery and utilization of

Live Training Sessions

The trainings will be held online and are focused on the stakeholder groups interested in urban waste heat recovery and integration in district heating networks. Lectures, discussions and virtual site visits will be part of the trainings. The training sessions include both technical results and results linked to the business models, as well as experiences

ReUseHeat Handbook

The long awaited ReUseHeat Handbook for increased recovery of urban excess heat is publicly available here. It is the culmination of the ReUseHeat project work and consolidates information from low-temperature waste heat recovery sites. Apart from technical validation, the ReUseHeat project has generated knowledge about the urban waste heat potential in Europe, main stakeholders, how to write efficient contracts and