ReUseHeat at the V Madrid Subterra International Congress

Underground energies in large urban developments Madrid will be facing in the next years the development of large urban developments in which underground waste energies can play a significant role. For the first time in Spain, the A5 highway emblematic burying foresees the use of the clean, CO2 free and renewable energy from the underground

New open access article: Unconventional Excess Heat Sources for District Heating in a National Energy System Context

A team of researchers from the Department of Planning, Aalborg University has recently published an article based on the D1.5 of ReUseHeat “Urban excess heat utilisation in future energy systems” (access the original report here). This article belongs to the Section Energy Sources of the open access publication Energies 2020, 13(19), 5068;   Abstract

ReUseHeat Newsletter #6 is out!

Find out how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the project implementation. Spoiler alert: ReUseHeat partners will keep working and sharing their results until September 2022! Read about our demo site change in Berlin, a new web-based visualisation tool, the latest policy webinar and “key innovations” of ReUseHeat included in the European Commission’s Innovation Radar! The

ReUseHeat creates a web-based visualisation tool

ReUseHeat aims to promote a cost-effective and technically viable decarbonisation of the current heating and cooling system by demonstrating modular and replicable solutions enabling the recovery and reuse of waste heat available at urban level from different sectors in order to cope with the current and future challenges of climate change.   To foster this

ReUseHeat is part of the Innovation Radar

The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation framework programmes. The goal of this initiative is to allow every citizen, public official, professional and business person to discover the outputs of EU innovation funding.   The Innovation Radar platform builds on the information

Policy Webinar: How can waste heat recovery help decarbonise cities? Best practices & policy recommendations

The EU produces more waste heat than the demand of its entire building stock. Conservative estimates suggest that industrial waste heat could cover at least 25% of district heating generation. Moreover, there is significant heat recovery potential from unconventional waste heat sources, i.e. waste heat from data centres, metro stations, service sector buildings, or waste-water

New open access article on The Role of Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Achieving 2050 Goals

ReUseHeat partners Edward Wheatcroft, Henry Wynn (London School of Economics), Kristina Lygnerud (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute), Giorgio Bonvicini (RINA Consulting S.p.A.) and Daniela Leonte (Tractebel Engineering) have recently published an open access article on The Role of Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Achieving 2050 Goals: A Policy Positioning Paper. This article belongs to

Read the ReUseHeat Newsletter #5

It’s time for the fifth project newsletter! Read it here to find out about our ongoing activities, new project partner and demo site and latest waste heat news. Don’t forget to participate in the Celsius Talk on Forerunner Groups (more information here)! Click here to subscribe to the future project newsletters.

ReUseHeat to support the Celsius Forerunner Groups

You are kindly invited to the upcoming Celsius Talk marking the launch of the Celsius Forerunner Groups on Thursday March 26th at 10:30 CET. Based on the premise that cities and districts are in a position to take the lead in the energy transitions, the Celsius Initiative is now creating forerunner groups where cities and