Underground energies in large urban developments
Madrid will be facing in the next years the development of large urban developments in which underground waste energies can play a significant role. For the first time in Spain, the A5 highway emblematic burying foresees the use of the clean, CO2 free and renewable energy from the underground infrastructure.
Other large urban developments, as the transformative Madrid Nuevo Norte project or the new metro lines extensions are considering the efficient use of the waste energy in the future infrastructures and eventually the thermoactivation of tunnels and other structural elements.
V Madrid Subterra International Congress -this year in online format- addressed cities energy transition from their subsoil potential, presenting the future developments in Madrid, other innovative initiative in London and the role of underground energies in Switzerland.
The event was aimed at students in engineering, architecture, physics, etc., companies in the energy and construction sectors, professionals in sustainability, energy efficiency and circular economy, administrations and owners of large underground infrastructures.
ReUseHeat was part of this online event and was featured by Kristina Lygnerud, Swedish Environmental Research Institute, in her presentation “The role of low temperature urban waste heat recovery in achieving 2050 goals“.
The recording of her presentation can be viewed here below: